"Teaching, Preaching and Preparing People for the Kingdom of God"
Baptist Training Union (B.T.U)
The B.T.U. reaches out to all members (cradle to the grave) through discipleship training. This Ministry teaches, character, ethics, theology, doctrine, history, etc. This ministry is the training arm for growth. Fun Christian educational programs and projects are a part of the Ministry
"He has made everything beautiful in His time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men: yet they cannot tathom what God has done from beginning to end." (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
The Ministry ensures that God's house is beautifully decorated as the season dictates. This Ministry ensures that the interiour of the church is inviting and worshipful for members, visitors, and guests.
This Ministry works with the other ministries of the church in the plqcement of appropriate decorations for all services, special effects, events, and maintaining cleanliness.
This Ministry is comprised of several teams of committed individuals who have been called to use their gifts and talents to serve others. Their work includes Sunday Breakfast, fellowship meals, and repast meals after funerals, special events, etc; as well as, routine maintenance of the kitchen and dining facility.
The Physical and Mental Health Ministry assist the membership with health/nutrition and information on health issues. This ministry foster fitness and exercise, adult sports, youth sports, etc. combining fun, competition, the love of sports and fitness with opportunities to connect with others.
this Physical and Mental Health Ministry will steer head Health Fairs, Health Seminars, Blood Drives, etc. for Crossroads members and the community.
This Ministry will take the lead in working with the Pastor and other ministries of Crossroads on the following: Church Anniversary, Women's Day, Men's Day, and all Fundraising Projects designed to enhance the operations of the the church.
This Ministry will be available during Sunday worship service and special events for the care of small children (infants to 2yrs old). This service is to assist parents so that they are free to be impacted by the worship experience.
C.A.R.E Ministry
(Caring, Assisting, Reaching, Embracing Crossroads Disciples)
To foster empathy, fellowship, encouragement, relationships to Crossraods disciples and their family. Some of the areas will include: grief care, divorce, hospital visitation, prayer and prayer requests, counseling, funeral services, wedding services, safety and security.
The Education Ministry provides the congregation with information regarding any and all phases of both public and parochial education. This Ministry facilitates all programs relating to education. These programs include: Crossroads Honor Roll/ Dean's List Recognition, Tutorial Services with the main focus on Math and English Enrichment, High School Scholarships, Baccalaureate Service, College Care, etc.
Children Ministry Counsel
This Ministry is comprosed of a group of Christian Women and Men dedicated to ensuring the spiritual growth of our children through teaching and activities. This Counsel recruits and supports the children programs at Crossroads. This Counsel will oversee Children's day and take the lead in other programs such as Easter and Christmas. This Counsel wourls closely witht the Pastor and Director of Christian of Education
Youth Ministry Council
This Ministry is comprosed of a group of Christian Women and Men dedicated to ensuring the spiritual growth and maturity of middle and high school students by exploring and encouraging the use of spiritual gifts for the Glory of GOD. This Council seeks to demonstrate biblical responses to the many challenges youth face on any given day. The Council will foster fun and activities in positive ways. The Council is responsible to the Pastor and Director of Christian Education in planning, coordinating, and promoting the youth program of the church, special youth projects, assignments, and events.
MIME Ministry
This ministry used dramatic performance, using only facial expressions, gestures, and movemenet to speak to an audience. Crossroads MIMES praises GOD and ministers without using words, conveying faciial expressions and body language to the Glory of GOD.
Crossroads Usher Ministry is dedicatd to help usher God's people into the building as well as maintaining an atmosphere of reverence and order before, during, and after the service with a "ready to serve" attitude. Ushers combine a warm welcome with a pleasant smile as they direct and seat worshippers.